Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton hates marijuana, and Texas marijuana laws are just as repressive as its laws that make women into gestation slaves, prevented from controlling their own reproductive choices even if it means they die from complications of rape, incest, miscarriage, and pregnancy.

Marijuana is totally illegal in Texas, except for its very strict medical marijuana law that allows a few people to access garbage weed with less than 1% THC.

Penalties for possession of any amount are severe. Penalties for growing marijuana are worse than for all but the most violent crimes in Texas, with a potential for life in prison with no possibility of parole.

In 2023, Texas Democrats introduced House Bill 1937 to decriminalize possession of 2.5 ounces and less for adults over the age of 21. According to polls, a majority of Texans support the bill, but Texas Republican politicians won’t allow it to become law.

Ken Paxton is suing five Texas cities whose voters in 2022 decided to decriminalize possession of less than four ounces of marijuana.

The ordinances were very popular: Austin’s decrim received an overwhelming 85% of votes in support. In San Marcos, about 82% were in favor. Elgin followed with almost 75% of votes in support. Denton, home to two universities, had about 71% votes in favor. Killeen had 70% support for marijuana decrim.

These five cities are “home-rule” cities allowed to establish laws or ordinances unless they’re expressly forbidden by state or federal law, but Paxton is seeking to overturn the will of the voters anyway.

“I will not stand idly by as cities run by pro-crime extremists deliberately violate Texas law and promote the use of illicit drugs that harm our communities,” Paxton said.

It’s hilariously ironic that Paxton talks about “pro-crime extremists,” because he himself is a pro-crime extremist. In fact, Paxton has been constantly accused of criminal misconduct during his tenure in state government, including:

  • Paxton aligned himself with the Trump insurrection, using state funds and employees to push the seditious false claim that Trump won the 2020 election. He continues to do so.
  • Paxton opposed COVID guidelines and restrictions and defied federal health rules.
  • Paxton was recommended for impeachment due to serious, serial misconduct in office.
  • Paxton had an affair while in office and allegedly did illegal things to cover it up.
  • Paxton is aligned with Texas defiance of federal immigration law, which has turned into a stalemate in which Texas threatens to secede from the United States, shoot immigrants, and Texas is adopting the same defiant stance that slavery states adopted to create the Civil War.
  • Paxton is a theocrat, using his power as attorney general to create a state religion (fundamentalist Christianity), while at the same time violating most of the teachings of Jesus.
  • In 2015, a state grand jury indicted Paxton on criminal charges related to securities fraud. Paxton and GOP allies have done everything possible to delay and derail the case, including blocking funding for prosecutors. Nevertheless, Paxton is set to go on trial for these crimes sometime in 2024.
  • In 2020, seven of Paxton’s top aides publicly accused Paxton of abuse of office, bribery and other serious crimes, including some involving organized crime. Paxton played hardball—all seven whistleblowers were forced to leave their jobs. Paxton has not been punished, but when the whistleblowers sued him for his actions against them, Paxton tried to get taxpayers to pay the $3.3 million lawsuit settlement.
  • When the Texas State Bar attempted to discipline Paxton for his numerous crimes and misconduct, he attacked the organization.
  • Paxton hates LGBTQ people, and is trying to get private medical records of out of state medical patients who received gender therapy. He persecutes parents of transgender youth.
  • Paxton worked against parents and others affected by police cowardice and misconduct during the Uvalde, Texas massacre of school children and their teachers.

Anyone who values freedom should feel like they live in a state of siege if they live in Texass, where abortion is totally illegal, women are forced to birth the child or rape or incest, and the state has one of the highest rates of rape and rape-induced pregnancies of any state in America.

Also, if you want to grow Nature’s kindest plant in Texass, just know that rapists and murderers routinely get lighter sentences in Texas than marijuana growers and sellers.

And Ken Paxton, who is almost certainly a criminal and traitor to the United States, is determined to continue the Texas war on marijuana as long as he’s attorney general.